1. What is involved in an assessment to become a family day care approved provider?
There are many stringent rules and regulations around operating a family day care service, because the approved provider is responsible and holds the liability for everyone involved in the service. This includes managing educators and staff, and ensuring children are kept safe. For this reason, the assessment process is very thorough (not necessarily hard, but thorough!).
In order to start your own family day care service, you will need to get through three applications (approvals); two with the state regulatory authority and the final one with the Federal regulatory authority (CCS Approval).
The approval (applications) requirements become more demanding and stringent at each stage, including the written assessments. This is to ensure that applicants are able to put the legislation into practice, and to sustain a viable business funded with taxpayers money.
2. Who is this course for?
People wanting to start their own family day care service.
Approved Providers wanting to improve their understanding of governance, leadership and management.
Nominated Supervisors and Coordinators seeking professional development in governance and management and career projection.
3. How will this course prepare me for the assessment?
This course will prepare you for the three applications required to open and operate a successful, viable, and compliant education and care (family day care or centre-based) service for children and families. The videos and practice workbook in this course will fully prepare you for your written approved provider assessments with the state and federal regulatory authorities, as the scenarios we go through will demonstrate exactly what the assessors are looking for during your interview and beyond.
4. Will completing this course guarantee that I will be successful in the assessments for becoming an approved provider?
This course outlines everything you need to know to prepare you for your assessments. JPS has a 98% success rate with their Approved Provider application and their Service Approval application. Once you have obtained these approvals, you can then start operating your service.
When you apply for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), your approval will be based on your Governance Statement and supporting documentation but also your work history and background checks such as a Name Check, Bankruptcy Check, work history etc.
The assessors will assess your business practices in relation to how you will administer government funds, so you will be required to make some business decisions that only you can make, such as where you will operate, who will be responsible for which tasks as per your organisational structure and so on, and that's where I come in. Consulting with me and my team will provide with information, support and resources to make the best decisions for your business. So yes, although we can never guarantee (as we don't have access to everything the Federal Government does) we do ensure you are in the best place for approval and can guarantee you will have all the right resources to be successful.
5. What other services does JPS provide?
JPS works with service providers also (so yes, we are here for you beyond approval) to provide and deliver Professional Development training and support, prepare for Assessment and Rating, ensure your policies and procedures remain current and provide coaching, training and management services to the sector.